Here is some more info about Episode 2:
I threw up on the glider
I went on the roller coaster twice, my friend went on it 8 TIMES and almost threw up! (sound familiar?)
There was another roller coaster (I'll put the video in here) that the only reason I went on is because we were stuck in the line!🤣 I loved it though!
Here's the videos!
This is the roller coaster I mentioned in the episode! Watch for the drop! 😨
This one goes from 0mph to 58mph in a little over 3 SECONDS! That's faster than most cars! 🚗
The glider was one of those things where you have nerves for NOTHING! I was amazed at the sense of calm that I felt! The coolest part though, I got to fly the glider once we were in the air!
Thanks so much for listening AND reading! I'll talk to you in the next post! :D
- Emerson